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USA’s most selective colleges
(上传者:) 2004-07-10

ited stats:
“We go out to the campuses,and we survey in two ways,either on line,as well as on paper.For this year,it’s naerly 300 students per camus as an average,but we had several thousand from larger schools responding to our survey.We consider them the experts,not me and not the Princeton Review,but the students who are already at these schools.And we just let them talk.”
This year those comments helped make Yale University top another highly coveted(v.渴望)list,the best overall academic experence.Elizabeth Wilcox,who’sbeginning her third year at Yale,believes the ranking is well deserved:
“It’s such a unique experience to be able to sit in a classroom with the professor who wrote the book you’s studying from.And besides being big names in their fields,they also have amazing things to say.The only drawback(n缺点)to that is that for students like me,who go into Yale not quite sure what they want to focus in ,it’s very hard to narrow down what you want to do,because everything is so excellent there.”
Students at DePaul University in Chicago topped the list for being the happiest with their college experience,shile the Unuversity of Colorado at Boulder was na ---(转下页)

noky2004年07月10日 这篇文章介绍了美国大学近况,也在一定...
rtt2004年07月15日 还好 不上很差!~!~!~...

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