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USA’s most selective colleges
(上传者:) 2004-07-10

    USA’s most selective colleges
High school students hoping to attend the U.S.Military Academy at West point face stiff competition.The Princeton REVIEW has named the Academy the most selective college in the United States.This past year it received thirteen thousand applications and acdepted just over 1300,or ten percent ,according to Colonel Micheal Jones,West Point’s admissions director.He says that while the academy has always been selcctive ,admissions have recently gotten even more competitive.
“The last two years since 9-11for us had brought a different kind of young man young waman here,who want to do something for their country and the world rather than focus so mauch on what they can do for themselves and making a fortune.It’s really been a sea
change .”
The Princeton Review most selective colleges are those that have the lowest accpetance rates,and attract applicants with the best academic records abd test scres,Those statistics are provided by the colleges themselves.
But Princeton Review editor Robert Franek says most of the other rankings in the guide are determined by the comments of some one hundred six thousand students across the Un ---(转下页)

noky2004年07月10日 这篇文章介绍了美国大学近况,也在一定...
rtt2004年07月15日 还好 不上很差!~!~!~...

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